Perfect Bake® recipe


The best part about making your own guacamole is smashing the avocados as much or as little as you like. Just remember to save the pits because placing them back into the guacamole during storage helps slow down the oxidization process.


US | Metric
Metric | US
  • Avocado - 9½ oz
  • Lime Juice - 3/4 oz
  • Kosher Salt - 0.04 oz
  • Cayenne Pepper - 0.05 fl oz
  • Cumin - 0.05 fl oz
  • Onion - 1¾ oz
  • Cilantro - 3/8 oz
  • Roma Tomatoes - 2⅝ oz
  • Jalapeno - 1/4 oz


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