Chocolate Diablo Cookies (Ground Ginger Variation)

A brownie-like chocolate chunk cookie with bite. The use of oil in this cookie instead of butter gives it a fudgy, brownie texture and the cinnamon is reminiscent of Mexican hot chocolate. These flavors just set the groundwork for the real major players in this cookie. Freshly grated ginger hits you first and fights with the chocolate for your attention. This variation of the Chocolate Chip Diablo Cookies uses ground ginger to kick up the heat a little bit more.
- Dark Chocolate Chips - 2 oz
- All Purpose Flour - 3⅞ oz
- Cocoa Powder - 2 oz
- Baking Soda - 1/8 oz
- Ground Cinnamon - 0.05 oz
- Cayenne Pepper - 0.04 oz
- Egg - 1¾ oz
- Brown Sugar - 3½ oz
- Granulated Sugar - 4 oz
- Vegetable Oil - 1¾ oz
- Vanilla Extract - 1/8 oz
- Ground Ginger - 1/8 oz
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