Trying to download our recipe?

You need Perfect Bake® Smart Scale + Recipe App first.

Already have it? Make sure you're using the device on which Perfect Bake App is installed.

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Here's how to use it:


Perfect Bake App

The Perfect Bake recipe app is free and compatible with iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire devices

app screenshot


Tap the Badge &
Get the Recipe

Any recipe with our badge next to it is Perfect Bake compatible! Once you've tapped our badge–or a recipe in our app–it automatically downloads to your phone or tablet.

badge screenshot recipe download screenshot


Make it with Perfect Bake Scale + App

Now you're ready to bake with less mess, less hassle, and perfectly delicious results every time. Enjoy.

cake photo

Don't have your Perfect Bake Smart Scale + Recipe App?

Order Now

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